Looking forward to this game's release on this site as well! :)
Awesome! Contact: pqg.mirosurabu@gmail .com
Games Designer
Joined on 1/19/09
Looking forward to this game's release on this site as well! :)
200c100111010019000000000000000000000 30900030a0003150003000103050125060121 07012609010315010300020305022306020f0 7022409020812021015020300030305032706 03220703280c03090e03091503030004030b0 4030c04030d04030e040310040f1504030005 030b05030c05080d05080e05080f050415050 300060301061d0a06190b0603100604120606 1506030007030107030207030307030407030 5070406070407070508070509070a0a07090b 07081107061507030908030a0803140812150 80303090f130903140903150903010a1e070a 110a0a0c0c0a090d0a110e0a120f0a11120a0 3130a03000b03010b03020b03030b03040b03 050b03060b03070b03080b03090b030a0b030 b0b030c0b030d0b030e0b030f0b03100b0311 0b03120b03130b03|Timing Zone|VatoeK|Timing is your best ally. (Difficult Level)|
check it out :D
I can't believe it! I played Tower of Heaven Game Maker version on yoyo a whiiiiile ago, fantastic idea to go flash with it. I'm real happy for you, great work! Also I hope you do well in the indiepub competition n__n
Good game! Im waiting for the Depict 1 to come to Ng!
Depict1 is coming next Wednesday or so (: Was planned to come yesterday, but oh well.
Dude, ToH is a little masterpiece.
Hey, thanks, you should congratulate Flashy and Asciisoft for that though (:
would you add medals in depict1? i´d like so, also i still trying to pass through Tower of Heaven. depic1 is much easier tho´
I would but it's not up to me. I'll have to see with my sponsor, if they allow - yes I'll add medals. (:
Very nice! I think I liked Tower of Heaven just a bit more than Depict1 - something about defying "god" and overcoming adversity (i.e., survival, despite more and more rules being added) as opposed to just ignoring the guidance of a mysterious entity. Although Ending #2 in Depict1 was really satisfying to achieve.
I look forward to seeing this game come to NG soon. :)
Thanks for the insight! (: